Blog Preamble

Ok, so here’s where we will be getting together on a regular basis. A few logistical items before we get started:

  • All of the wines I reference in my blog posts will come from one of the two places I buy my wine:

    • For my local readers, many of the wines referenced in my posts will come from our regional grocery chain Heinens. Heinens is family owned and has a strong commitment to wine across their system. My local Heinens in particular has a very knowledgeable and helpful team.

    • For my long distance readers, I will be talking about wines I buy from one of the leading national wine merchants, The Wine Library. The Wine Library has a huge retail location in Springfield, NJ. They have a very strong online sales and marketing effort (including buying wine via text!). This is no surprise, given the founder’s son is media guru Gary Vaynerchuk, aka GaryVee. Check Wine Library out! They do a great job, have great prices and will allow you to “follow along” with The Wine Doctor..

    • To ensure that the wines being profiled in this blog are accessible to my readers on an everyday basis, I will strive to keep the retail prices below $25. In fact, the majority of wines you will find here will be no more than $20. Having said that, there will be topics from time to time that require me to exceed these guidelines (but it will be worth it!).

  • As much as I enjoy wine, I am still learning too. So, if you catch something that doesn’t seem quite right, don’t hesitate to let me know!

  • And one more thing: big shout out and thanks to graphic designer Mary Tjotjos for her inspired work and collaboration in the creation of The Wine Doctor logo!

Enough! Let’s pull some corks!


Thanksgiving Wine