
New Year’s Prescription
Your Wine MD has returned with a few prescriptions to get your New Year started right!

America’s Grape?
Are you one of those red wine drinkers that think Zinfandel is “America’s grape”? Well, think again. Have a read to learn more about its journey from Croatia to Italy to the US. In the process, learn about one of the best producers of Zin in Napa Valley - Frog’s Leap!

Wine Stories
Part 2 of my whirlwind visit to the beautiful Lake Garda region in northern Italy!

Grazie Mille
Wine Doc meets Garda DOC! Check out the first of a two part post highlighting my recent visit to northern Italy to discover the wines and natural beauty surrounding Lake Garda!

Comfort Zone
Comfort Zones. We all have them, including what we choose to put in our glass. But if all we do is reach for our standards, our “go-tos”, we are not learning and likely missing out. Check out this post where I push myself out of my own wine comfort zone!

Let’s Make a Deal
Wine labels, especially Old World, can be confusing if not opaque. “Should I buy this one”? “What’s inside”? They can make you feel like you are on Let’s Make a Deal (what’s behind the curtain). This post demystifies Old World wine labels to help you be a more educated consumer.